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Hi %First Name%%,

One of the top fitness experts in North America was almost driven mad trying to find a weight loss solution that could work for his sister, who was becoming dangerously obese.

She had everything working against her as well… her mother and father were fat... and her grandparents were both obese.

Now even though her brother became fit and buff with those rotten genetics, (and became widely regarded as one of the leading fitness and nutrition experts in the world for men looking to be fit and buff)...

NOTHING worked for his sister.

He had tried for years to give her workouts and diets that worked for men… but they only caused her to “yo-yo” and pack on more fat.

This was further driving her to be extremely depressed and hopeless that she could ever lose the weight.

Yet he was absolutely determined to find something for his older sister!

So he went on a frenzied manic search to find a solution that would work for her.  And, after 2 years of mind-numbing research while working with one of the top supplement companies in the world…

He made a discovery so SHOCKING…


That it is revolutionizing women's weight loss right now.

You see, he stumbled upon a "Female Weight Loss LOOPHOLE" based on ONE hormone in the female body.  And once you trigger this hormone --- shockingly easy to do --- it dramatically increases your metabolism… melting fat right off your body.

Once he showed the secret to his sister… she INSTANTLY dropped 3 dress sizes in a week!

And in just 5 months she dropped an amazing 12 dress sizes while losing a whopping 53 pounds (and has kept the weight off with absolute ease now for 5 years)!

What’s more, this secret has been proven successful with over 240,000 women… who have used it to torch ugly fat off their body immediately, keeping it off for good… without any sort of restrictive diet or cardio routines or taking supplements.

To get this revolutionary breakthrough go here:

Use THIS Tip Today To Drop 3 Dress Sizes In A Week  <<<  


To your health,


Women's Guide


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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi %First Name%%,

One of the top fitness experts in North America was almost driven mad trying to find a weight loss solution that could work for his sister, who was becoming dangerously obese.

She had everything working against her as well… her mother and father were fat... and her grandparents were both obese.

Now even though her brother became fit and buff with those rotten genetics, (and became widely regarded as one of the leading fitness and nutrition experts in the world for men looking to be fit and buff)...

NOTHING worked for his sister.

He had tried for years to give her workouts and diets that worked for men… but they only caused her to “yo-yo” and pack on more fat.

This was further driving her to be extremely depressed and hopeless that she could ever lose the weight.

Yet he was absolutely determined to find something for his older sister!

So he went on a frenzied manic search to find a solution that would work for her.  And, after 2 years of mind-numbing research while working with one of the top supplement companies in the world…

He made a discovery so SHOCKING…


That it is revolutionizing women's weight loss right now.

You see, he stumbled upon a "Female Weight Loss LOOPHOLE" based on ONE hormone in the female body.  And once you trigger this hormone --- shockingly easy to do --- it dramatically increases your metabolism… melting fat right off your body.

Once he showed the secret to his sister… she INSTANTLY dropped 3 dress sizes in a week!

And in just 5 months she dropped an amazing 12 dress sizes while losing a whopping 53 pounds (and has kept the weight off with absolute ease now for 5 years)!

What’s more, this secret has been proven successful with over 240,000 women… who have used it to torch ugly fat off their body immediately, keeping it off for good… without any sort of restrictive diet or cardio routines or taking supplements.

To get this revolutionary breakthrough go here:

Use THIS Tip Today To Drop 3 Dress Sizes In A Week  <<<  


To your health,


Women's Guide


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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi sss,

Ok read closely.. I can't believe what my good friend Wes Virgin has discovered, but it's probably the biggest scandal in the health industry in the past decade..

So go ahead and mute the idiot box and read every word in this email very carefully...

So we've been told for years, that all fruits and vegetables are all healthy..


Well you're in for a disturbing surprise my friend...

Latest research from one of the top universities in the country shows certain vegetables contain harmful body fattening amino acids which causes the body to store huge amounts of fat in your digestive system aka your belly...

But Not only that...

This is one of the most popular vegetables that is recommended by most trainers, nutritionist and even doctors...

But you make be thinking... How can a vegetable cause you to gain weight?

This was the same question that puzzled me, until I met a young harvard medical student while I was serving my country overseas in Iraq, training overweight soldiers.

But what blew me away was this...

He showed me a simple tweak that helped a 45 yr old out of shape woman, who was a diabetic, with a serious thyroid problem, lose over 37 lbs in a matter of weeks...

But that wasn't the most amazing part...

All her previous medical problems and disease in her body completely vanished.

Her story actually made the 6 o' clock news because she only removed two vegetables, which I will show you here, from her diet to not only  lose 37 lbs but her insulin went back to normal and now at the young age of 45 she is diabetic free and has the energy of a 26 yr old.

You can see her story here, but let me warn you of something before you do..

You might get bit pissed off, maybe even swear a little, when you see the list of fruits and vegetables that you thought were healthy.. But after watching this short video you will be relieved because you will know exactly what healthy foods to avoid to look lean and feel young again.


To Your Success,

Women's Health

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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi sss,

Exciting news to share with you today... There's a new way that is all over the media right now about melting belly fat that has been studied and mirrored in some of the most healthiest countries in the world to help you burn fat and slim your waist at an accelerated rate. In fact, one breakthrough study showed that those who performed this belly-burning trick just twice a daily burned 500% more fat than those who didn't.

But this is why CNN and the entire media went bonkers..

A 45 yr old, out of shape woman, who had a sudden heart attack, sparked journalist attention because she lost almost 20% of her body fat to save her own life, in a few weeks, without stepping foot in the gym, using this little known technique..

Would you like to burn 500% more fat by using this quick, belly-busting tweak just twice daily?  I'll show you exactly how to do it here:

==>DO THIS twice daily to burn BELLY FLAB (takes less than 1 min)

Enjoy your new Body!

Women's Health 

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Hi sss,

Have you heard of a “red” smoothie? If not, check out this story…

Click here to start!

Have a great day,

Women's Health

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Hey sss, 

  Are you struggling to lose those first 5 pounds?

Most of us find ourselves struggling with weight loss and weight
management. Therefore, it is important to understand
what metabolism means and how it influences weight control.

There are 3 things you can do today
to boost your Metabolism that will speed
up your natural fat burning process in
your body!

You'll feel younger and you also slow
the ageing process...

This article explains exactly step by step
and you can lose up to 1-3 pounds per week...

Click Here To See How

Enjoy your new body,

Health Guide

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Hi sss,

Have you ever wondered how some people have such ease in meeting and engaging with people of the opposite sex? Are you tired of always being the withdrawn wallflower no one seems to notice? Or, maybe, you have a hard time keeping your lovers interested and committed. Well, it looks like your days struggling to meet and attract those you so deeply desire have ended.

What if we told you the formula to keep the object of your affection coming back for more, without having to jump hoops to impress or keep them attracted to you, is easier than you ever imagined. Captivating and staying stuck in their minds doesn’t have to be rocket science. Keep them starving for you without any aggressive tactics or persuasion. Become the thought that keeps coming back until they have no choice but to reach out and experience life with you and only you.

With the help of ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ “Hook your ex system” you will be an intoxicating thought that will make them stop at nothing until they have won your heart. Who doesn’t want to be desired and treasured in this way? Going about your relationships without the technique offered by “Hook your ex system” would be foolish. Who has time to waste working for attraction. Becoming irresistible is “Hook your ex system” number one goal. In turn, they can assure a lifetime of bliss, with the one you want, and you barely have to try.  

“Hook your ex system” works even with those exes that so hurriedly or undoubtedly stepped out of your life. Have them begging in no time by following and using the techniques and tools given to you. What is your happiness worth to you? Even if all you’re looking for is closure, this system can easily get you where you want to be in your love life. Don’t hesitate for another second. Make those who played or dumped you realize what a grave mistake they made the day they went away.

“Hook your ex system” gives you the opportunity to make those who left, for whatsoever, realize what an exceptional partner you are. Be the key player in your love life. Don’t you think you are entitled to happiness? Get “Hook your ex system” now!

Click here to start.

Enjoy your man

Lady Tips 

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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi sss,

Cheating is a very delicate subject to embark. Those who have been cheated on have very strong opinions on the subject based on their own painful experiences, as do those who have cheated. See, no one has ever woken up one morning and decided they would be the head honcho in someone’s heartbreak story. But, let’s face it, these things do manage to happen sometimes.

If this has happened to you and your now ex partner wants nothing to do with you, we can help. Without a doubt, you’re at loss and are uncertain as to what move to make next. Chances are even getting your ex on the phone could take close to a miracle. But good things come to those that wait, and today is the day you have been waiting for.

Hook your ex system is a system that was put into place by experienced “cheaters” and past “wallflowers” to get you exactly what you want in your love life. Whether you are too shy to make a move or you can’t keep your hands to yourself, this system will guarantee you to become imprinted in the object of your affection’s mind, making them come back to you without hesitation. This fool proof system is devoted to get people back with the ones you’ve parted ways with.

This efficient tool makes getting what you want in love easy.  Your flame doesn’t stand a chance, whether you’re looking for forgiveness or you just want to make a mark on them. If that number one doesn’t seem to give you the time of day, the Hook your ex system effect will make them crave for your love and attention.

You are one click away from happy days. Thank Hook your ex system later. 

Click here to start.

Enjoy your man

Lady Tips 

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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi sss,

Knowing how hormonally different men and women are, have you ever wondered if both sexes should diet the exact same way?

Well, recent research suggests NOT.

You see, science has recently discovered unique diet strategies proven to work perfectly with the female metabolism that help Women lose weight much faster.

Check out these breakthrough strategies in today’s video lesson below:

Breakthrough Fat Burning Tips Just For Women  <---  video lesson


And get this:

Surprisingly enough, research shows when women use these unique tips to boost their metabolism they’re able to burn fat faster and easier than men instead of the other way around for once!


You’re going to love this:

Breakthrough Fat Burning Tips Just For Women  <---  video lesson


Enjoy your new diet,

Women's Health 

PS.  I GUARANTEE you’ve never heard or seen anything like this before. You’re about to see some truly cutting edge fat-burning tips perfect for the female metabolism.

Breakthrough Fat Burning Tips Just For Women  <---  video lesson

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Hi sss,

Knowing how hormonally different men and women are, have you ever wondered if both sexes should diet the exact same way?

Well, recent research suggests NOT.

You see, science has recently discovered unique diet strategies proven to work perfectly with the female metabolism that help Women lose weight much faster.

Check out these breakthrough strategies in today’s video lesson below:

Breakthrough Fat Burning Tips Just For Women  <---  video lesson


And get this:

Surprisingly enough, research shows when women use these unique tips to boost their metabolism they’re able to burn fat faster and easier than men instead of the other way around for once!


You’re going to love this:

Breakthrough Fat Burning Tips Just For Women  <---  video lesson


Enjoy your new diet,

Women's Health 

PS.  I GUARANTEE you’ve never heard or seen anything like this before. You’re about to see some truly cutting edge fat-burning tips perfect for the female metabolism.

Breakthrough Fat Burning Tips Just For Women  <---  video lesson

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Hi sss, 

Pharmaceutical companies have been trying to shut these
doctors down simply for revealing the truth about diabetes.

Scientific studies have proven that type 2 diabetes can
be reversed naturally - but this information has been hidden
and suppressed for decades.

Diabetics can normalize blood sugar, and be taken off all
medication and insulin injections completely naturally.

Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine are
revealing the truth about diabetes in a shocking new online presentation.

Click here to Learn about their diabetes busting methods now.

Live better!

Health Guide

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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi sss, 

Pharmaceutical companies have been trying to shut these
doctors down simply for revealing the truth about diabetes.

Scientific studies have proven that type 2 diabetes can
be reversed naturally - but this information has been hidden
and suppressed for decades.

Diabetics can normalize blood sugar, and be taken off all
medication and insulin injections completely naturally.

Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine are
revealing the truth about diabetes in a shocking new online presentation.

Click here to Learn about their diabetes busting methods now.

Live better!

Health Guide

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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi sss,

If you've struggled with your weight for your entire life… and you've tried everything to lose it… only to "yo-yo" or not lose any fat at all… then you’re going to love what I have for you today:

A fitness expert has made an astonishing discovery for women’s weight loss.

He discovered an easy way to trigger the hormone known as "Leptin" in the female body. And when triggered, it dramatically BOOSTS your metabolism, torching fat off your body FAST.

Hard to believe?

Well, over 240,000 women --- I’m sure there are many just like you --- have used this secret to drop up to 3 dress sizes in as little as a week!

Secret To Drop 3 Dress Sizes In A Week  <<<

Enjoy your new body!

Women's Guide 

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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi %First Name%%,

One of the top fitness experts in North America was almost driven mad trying to find a weight loss solution that could work for his sister, who was becoming dangerously obese.

She had everything working against her as well… her mother and father were fat... and her grandparents were both obese.

Now even though her brother became fit and buff with those rotten genetics, (and became widely regarded as one of the leading fitness and nutrition experts in the world for men looking to be fit and buff)...

NOTHING worked for his sister.

He had tried for years to give her workouts and diets that worked for men… but they only caused her to “yo-yo” and pack on more fat.

This was further driving her to be extremely depressed and hopeless that she could ever lose the weight.

Yet he was absolutely determined to find something for his older sister!

So he went on a frenzied manic search to find a solution that would work for her.  And, after 2 years of mind-numbing research while working with one of the top supplement companies in the world…

He made a discovery so SHOCKING…


That it is revolutionizing women's weight loss right now.

You see, he stumbled upon a "Female Weight Loss LOOPHOLE" based on ONE hormone in the female body.  And once you trigger this hormone --- shockingly easy to do --- it dramatically increases your metabolism… melting fat right off your body.

Once he showed the secret to his sister… she INSTANTLY dropped 3 dress sizes in a week!

And in just 5 months she dropped an amazing 12 dress sizes while losing a whopping 53 pounds (and has kept the weight off with absolute ease now for 5 years)!

What’s more, this secret has been proven successful with over 240,000 women… who have used it to torch ugly fat off their body immediately, keeping it off for good… without any sort of restrictive diet or cardio routines or taking supplements.

To get this revolutionary breakthrough go here:

Use THIS Tip Today To Drop 3 Dress Sizes In A Week  <<<  


To your health,


Women's Guide


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Hi sss,

If you’ve heard of alkaline diets, you’ve probably scratched your head and said, But aren’t citrus fruits very acid…and very good for me?
You’re right. They are and they are.

Because just like some parts of your body should be so acid they’d take the hair off a dog, while the rest of your body should be slightly alkaline, or you will be very sick, so some foods are naturally acid or alkaline.

When it comes to weight loss, it’s how foods affect your body that make them acid or alkaline. Does what you eat keep those few parts of you that should be acid, acidic, and the rest of you, alkaline? Or does that food force your entire body to produce acid to dispose of toxins and then, when that doesn’t work, store all those toxins and extra acid the produce in your fat cells?

Click here to learn the truth about 7 Alkaline Foods that Help You Lose Weight.

Get on the Healthy Wagon! 

Women's Guide 

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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi sss,

If you’ve heard of alkaline diets, you’ve probably scratched your head and said, But aren’t citrus fruits very acid…and very good for me?
You’re right. They are and they are.

Because just like some parts of your body should be so acid they’d take the hair off a dog, while the rest of your body should be slightly alkaline, or you will be very sick, so some foods are naturally acid or alkaline.

When it comes to weight loss, it’s how foods affect your body that make them acid or alkaline. Does what you eat keep those few parts of you that should be acid, acidic, and the rest of you, alkaline? Or does that food force your entire body to produce acid to dispose of toxins and then, when that doesn’t work, store all those toxins and extra acid the produce in your fat cells?

Click here to learn the truth about 7 Alkaline Foods that Help You Lose Weight.

Get on the Healthy Wagon! 

Women's Guide 

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Hi sss,

Have you heard of a “red” smoothie? If not, check out this story…

Click here to start!

Have a great day,

Women's Health

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Hi sss, 

I want to share 3 of the important “secrets” everyone who wants to lose a pound—or several—should know. These secrets make weight loss is easy and natural by working with your body. And when you work against your body, losing just a single pound can be difficult, almost impossible.

I didn’t know these secrets either… until Liz Swann Miller, Doctor of Naturopathy, revealed them to me in an eye-opening presentation about common toxins in our modern lives that force us to gain weight. Liz has been astonishingly successful in helping people accomplish their health and weight loss goals. Starting with herself.

She’s got an amazing story. She was obese when she took a college trip to Peru and started eating ancient Inca superfoods. She was startled to find herself losing weight and feeling better, so she dropped out of college to completely resolve her weight problem, then went back to become a naturopath. For 15 years, Liz has helped tens of thousands of private patients lose weight and live happier, healthier lives. Then she wrote several Amazon best-sellers to help other people all across America do the same.

Now Liz has created a brilliant presentation—I’m sorry I can’t stop telling you how good it is, but seeing it made weight-loss so simple and easy for me. So I emailed Liz and asked if she had any information she would share with you. Liz emailed back, Practically everyone who tries to lose weight has been “fed” a whole lot of lies by the big food and diet corporations. In fact, every “naturally” skinny person I know has somehow missed being force-fed these lies. So if you don’t know these “secrets” I’m going to reveal, don’t feel bad.

“Secret” #1: Enjoy your food.

Liz explained that we desperately need to detox from “manufactured food-like products.” They’re actually packed with toxic chemicals and residues that force us to gain weight—as well as some gross stuff that the body has to pack away as fat. Because this stuff isn’t real food. 

“But you have to replace that stuff real food you enjoy. You’re supposed to enjoy food. Dieting and depriving yourself just leads to binge eating and weight gain. Unfortunately, the big food and beverage corporations put out a lot of misleading information—lies, although my lawyer’s having a cow because I said that. Like the only way to lose weight is to deprive yourself and work out like a maniac. And that clean eating is expensive, difficult, and bland. In fact, my clients tell me all the time how astonished they are to discover how easy it is to lose weight on really good food.”

So what can you eat that’s both good for you and good-tasting…and detoxes your body? What can you eat that’s easy on your budget, easy to fix…and that no one would never, ever think is “detox diet food”? What if you don’t want to buy special equipment or shop at pricey stores? And what if you would like to start feeling better and looking better almost overnight?

Liz has developed a delicious method called the Red Smoothie Detox Factor that does all that. Swiftly liberating your body from the toxins in processed food so your body can to do to fat what nature designed it to do. More about that revelation later.

Next: “Secret” #2 is a powerful way to stop weight gain…without noticing!

Click here to learn more. 

Enjoy your new body,

Health Guide

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Hi sss,

Turmeric has been proven to reduce or eliminate pain better than leading prescription medications. [1] 

A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene [2] found that components of turmeric were effective alternatives to the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone, naproxen and diclofenac, to name a few. 

The reason is because turmeric doesn’t just fight pain and inflammation, it does so much more. [3]

How can one little root do so much?

Most researchers agree that the turmeric’s profound healing abilities can
be traced to its powerful anti-inflammatory action.

Full-spectrum turmeric (as opposed to an isolated curcumin extract) is especially effective because it operates by both mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action.

Most inflammatory foods, working in one of the following ways...

1. They neutralize inflammation causing free radicals in the body with a flood of antioxidants or

2. They stop the body from producing the chemicals that initiate inflammation in the first place (this is how aspirin and OTC pain meds work)

What is unique about turmeric is that it combats inflammation through both of these mechanisms.... simultaneously! Its multi-pronged approach allows it to work wonders for aches, pains, and arthritis (by stopping inflammation at the source), while also strongly supporting the immune system with antioxidants.

And because nearly all diseases and ailments can be traced back to inflammation and oxidative stress…it seem like there’s almost nothing that turmeric can’t heal.

But not all forms of turmeric are created equal…

Most of the turmeric supplements you see in stores come in the form of encapsulated powders. The truth is with turmeric powder you may be 
getting very little actual benefit.

Turmeric powder has a fairly low bioavailability (meaning that a good portion of it isn’t properly absorbed by your body), it often isn’t very fresh, and it’s sometimes made with harsh processes that can destroy or degrade turmeric’s healthful components.

Because turmeric is hard to absorb, it must be formulated in a certain way allowing the body to absorb and utilize its entire spectrum of nutrients.

There's another NEW form of turmeric that actually tastes amazing AND is easy to absorb...

PuraTHRIVE Organic Turmeric Extract is an outstanding full-spectrum extract that’s “liposomalized”—meaning it’s specifically blended to make the turmeric bind to phosphlipids (fats) that increase its bioavailability 10 to 20 times

This formulation takes all that raw turmeric has to offer and presents it in a format that your body LOVES to consume.

Start taking care of your body today!

Women's Health


1. Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of Curcuminoids in Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Pain Med. 2015 Dec 14. Epub 2015 Dec 14. PMID: 26814259
2. Green Med Info: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/science-confirms-turmeric-effective-14-drugs
3. Zingiberaceae extracts for pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis: Nutr J. 2015 ;14:50. Epub 2015 May 14. PMID: 25972154


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好康推薦 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi sss,

Turmeric has been proven to reduce or eliminate pain better than leading prescription medications. [1] 

A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene [2] found that components of turmeric were effective alternatives to the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone, naproxen and diclofenac, to name a few. 

The reason is because turmeric doesn’t just fight pain and inflammation, it does so much more. [3]

How can one little root do so much?

Most researchers agree that the turmeric’s profound healing abilities can
be traced to its powerful anti-inflammatory action.

Full-spectrum turmeric (as opposed to an isolated curcumin extract) is especially effective because it operates by both mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action.

Most inflammatory foods, working in one of the following ways...

1. They neutralize inflammation causing free radicals in the body with a flood of antioxidants or

2. They stop the body from producing the chemicals that initiate inflammation in the first place (this is how aspirin and OTC pain meds work)

What is unique about turmeric is that it combats inflammation through both of these mechanisms.... simultaneously! Its multi-pronged approach allows it to work wonders for aches, pains, and arthritis (by stopping inflammation at the source), while also strongly supporting the immune system with antioxidants.

And because nearly all diseases and ailments can be traced back to inflammation and oxidative stress…it seem like there’s almost nothing that turmeric can’t heal.

But not all forms of turmeric are created equal…

Most of the turmeric supplements you see in stores come in the form of encapsulated powders. The truth is with turmeric powder you may be 
getting very little actual benefit.

Turmeric powder has a fairly low bioavailability (meaning that a good portion of it isn’t properly absorbed by your body), it often isn’t very fresh, and it’s sometimes made with harsh processes that can destroy or degrade turmeric’s healthful components.

Because turmeric is hard to absorb, it must be formulated in a certain way allowing the body to absorb and utilize its entire spectrum of nutrients.

There's another NEW form of turmeric that actually tastes amazing AND is easy to absorb...

PuraTHRIVE Organic Turmeric Extract is an outstanding full-spectrum extract that’s “liposomalized”—meaning it’s specifically blended to make the turmeric bind to phosphlipids (fats) that increase its bioavailability 10 to 20 times

This formulation takes all that raw turmeric has to offer and presents it in a format that your body LOVES to consume.

Start taking care of your body today!

Women's Health


1. Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of Curcuminoids in Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Pain Med. 2015 Dec 14. Epub 2015 Dec 14. PMID: 26814259
2. Green Med Info: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/science-confirms-turmeric-effective-14-drugs
3. Zingiberaceae extracts for pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis: Nutr J. 2015 ;14:50. Epub 2015 May 14. PMID: 25972154


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